Dear HJA,
The Sparks e-newsletter is the BRC's online communication tool.
BRC members and friends will find this e-newsletter a great way to
stay connected to the BRC family and promote your products and
If you have special announcements, late breaking news, and
events, please e-mail us at We welcome your
comments and suggestions for making the Sparks work for you.
Remember to use the BRC Business Directory found in our
Quarterly newspaper, The Conductor; online at; or you
can call the office at 404.346.0808.
For directory changes to e-mails, phone numbers, fax numbers,
or contact information, please send changes by e-mail to
Carver Bible College Homecoming Weekend
Celebration |
Member Highlight: United Beverage
Group |
Hussein Warmack has always dreamed big. He left a mid
management position with Coca Cola and a hefty salary with
traveling privileges and a luxury lifestyle to launch his own
beverage company, United Beverage Group.
The Atlanta-based beverage company was formed to provide
high quality beverages to consumers that would meet their
diverse cultures and lifestyles. They offer unique flavors
under the name "NuSouth" which include Peach Lemonade,
Blueberry Lemonade, Mango Lemonade, Regular Lemonade,
Strawberry Lemonade, Watermelon Lemonade and Pink Lemonade.
United Beverage provides businesses with turn-key
customized beverage products to give a distinctive look and
marketplace advantage at a fraction of the cost of leading
beverage manufactures. In addition, United Beverages has
launched a unique fundraising program that BRC churches can
benefit from.
Fundraisers are an important part of active church life,
providing opportunities for each church and their members to
strengthen their commitment and contribution to their
respective churches as well as providing funds for the church,
its groups and programs, and pre-approved charitable causes.
United Beverage Group is located at 1230 Peachtree St NE,
Suite 1900, Atlanta, GA 30309. For more information about the
fundraising, call 404-942-3636.
Tag Team Marketing Sponsors Business Social
Event |
TAG TEAM Black Business Networking Socials in Atlanta are
held each Friday at 7 p.m. Almost every Black businessperson
is making sales, getting contracts, meeting hot prospects or
obtaining new business contacts at the event. Tag Team
Marketing invites you to promote your Black business by
attending the free network social.
The first 60 Black business owners get a minute to promote
their business on stage to the entire audience. Get the word
out about your Black business this and every Friday night.
For more information, please call Patrina Roy at 404-
969-4600. The event is held at Tag Team Headquarters, located
at 3465 North Desert Drive, Building 4, Suite 102, Atlanta, GA
BRC members network at Biz Forum |
Benjamin Strickland, owner of Strick Software, Inc.,
gives a brief overview of his company's computer and web video
services during the monthly Biz Forum held at the BRC
Member businesses and churches are invited monthly to BRC
headquarters to network and learn of the many services
provided by other members. This is a great opportunity to
exchange services and increase the revolution of the Black
dollar in the Black community by patronizing fellow Black
business owners.
If you are interested in hosting a Biz Forum or attending
the monthly forum, please call the BRC office today at
404-346-0808.The BRC provides a catered lunch and attendance
is free of charge.
Men of Character invite men to "Raise the
Bar" |
Pastor Randy Boyce, founder of Men of Character (MOC)
invites all men to a conference, Raising the Bar," on Friday,
November 3 and Saturday, November 4, 2006 at Midway United
Methodist Church in Douglasville.For more information, please
call 770- 920-1106 or 678-520-0814.
African American Family Farmers
Conference |
The 4th Annual African American Family Farmers, Inc.
(AAFFI) Conference will be held at Fort Valley State College
on Thursday and Friday, November 16 -17, 2006 in the Pettigrew
A banquet will be held November 16, at 7:00 pm. and the
conference, including a continental breakfast at 7:30 am, an
hour luncheon beginning at 12:30 p.m., and a series of
workshops starting at 8:30 am kicks off on Friday.
Exhibits open on Friday at 5:00 pm. For more information
please call 800-485-0004.
BRC Member News Briefs . . . |
Ray of Hope: The Daughters of Destiny Women’s
Ministry of Ray of Hope Christian Church presents Straight
Talk with Rev. Dr. Renita Weems on Monday, November 6, 2006 at
7:00 pm in the Main Sanctuary. Women you don’t want to miss
this opportunity to dialogue with this renown author, scholar,
preacher, and teacher as real issues that impact women are
addressed. Please call 770-696- 5148 for additional
Are you a BRC member yet? |
Board the Overground RR!! and find out how you can
practice "KTAA" Kitchen Table Affirmative Action.
Call our office today to find out how you can become a
member. 404-346-0808
| |
Jesus Christ Is Lord Ministries Honor Pastor
Davis |
Ephesians 4: 11-13 states. . . “and He gave some apostles;
and some prophets; and some evangelists; and some pastors and
teachers, for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the
ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Until we all
come in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of
God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of
the fullness of Christ.”
Jesus Christ Is Lord Ministries (JCIL) invites you to
celebrate the First Anniversary of Pastor Sherri S.
Davis, Senior Pastor on Sunday, November 5th. Dr. Frank
Bozeman of Global Word, Montgomery AL, will share the word of
God during morning worship service at 10:00 am. Pastor Eric
D. Jackson Sr., Senior Pastor of Greater Heights Christian
Church, Snellville, GA, is the speaker for the 3:00 pm service
which also features Gospel Recording Artist James Bignon.
Pastor Davis is striving to do God’s work in the McDonough
community. We are striving to become a saving station for the
McDonough area committed to developing relationships that lead
to Kingdom building. JCIL Ministries' vision is “we are living
in Christ, fulfilling God’s purposes in preaching God’s Word,
teaching others to live for Christ, and reaching the lost for
the Second Coming of the Lord!”
JCIL Ministries is located at 15 Hampton Street, McDonough,
GA 30253. Call 678.521.7219 or 678.596.7407.