Dear HJA,
The Sparks is the ORR's online communication tool. We hope that
ORR members and friends will find this E-newsletter a great way to
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Welcome aboard
Concerned Black Clergy Annual Walk and Health
Fair |
Wanda Robinson of Atlanta RealTime Court
Reporting |
In our continuing series of profiles of the ORR's business
members, we visited with Atlanta RealTime Court Reporting's
Wanda Robinson. We asked Ms. Robinson what the biggest changes
she had seen in her field, what was coming, and if she had any
advice for those aiming to break into it any time soon. Here's
what she told us.
I've been court reporting for more than thirty years. I do
enjoy it. I have a lot of clients who are law firms large and
small in the Atlanta area for whom I take depositions on a
daily basis.
There have been many, many changes in this field over the
last thirty years. The biggest and most important is the
computerization of court reporting, beginning about twenty
years ago. We used to have big mainframe computers that would
take up a whole room. Now we can go out and take depositions
using a laptop computer, and it comes out in real time. My
firm's name is Atlanta RealTime reporters because I specialize
in real time transcription.
When I came into the field there was a large demand for
court reporters. I won't say there isn't a demand at this
time, but it is a very demanding job. You have to put a lot of
work into it, there are a lot of deadlines you have to meet. I
guess I'm kind of used to that. But there are young people who
don't want to go into this field because of those demands. It
may be that a lot of young people don't want to put in the
time, the energy and the effort it takes to be a top notch
court reporter.
But as long as the law is out here, there are going to be
court reporters taking these depositions for attorneys.
Another part of this field that has appeared over the last
few years is captioning, which is widely used in television.
That captioning is done by court reporters, in addition to
what we do at depositions and in courtrooms. So there are a
lot of opportunities opening up now outside the legal field
for court reporters.
Businesses and churches have marched hand in hand for
years, I don't think you can disconnect that. It's kind of a
circle. Black entrepreneurs have to work harder, they cannot
give up, they have to strive harder. They have to put out
their businesses, what services and products they provide
outside the black community too, Your consumer might not just
be in a black community, that person or business might be in a
Hispanic community or a Jewish community. We have to get out
of the mindset of looking for our customers only in the black
I heard about the ORR from one of my clients, Herald
Alexander, who has headed it for quite a while. I was one of
its first members and have attended most of its events, galas
and such. I think it's a great opportunity to network with
other business people, to exchange ideas. For those reasons,
I'd highly recommend it to everybody.
Sat. April 26 -- Business Strategies For Tough
Times |
Nobody doubts that these are tough times indeed. Not every
business enterprise succeeds, but yours can be one that
survives and thrives in this difficult times.
The Business Alliance of Cascade UMC invites you to its
annual retreat, Business Strategies in Tough Times, beginning
this Saturday at 11AM.
The keynote speaker is George Fraser, America's networking
guru as noted by Black Enterprise Magazine. A panel discussion
will follow featuring Marvin Arrington, Jr. Esq.; Daryll
Griffin, President of Accolades, Inc.; Rob Wilson, business
talk show - Solutions & Remedies - at WAOK FM Radio; and a
few other prominent local business owners.
Registration for the day is $15.00, which includes a
continental breakfast and lunch. For more information about
the Cascade Business Alliance 2008 Business Fair &
Retreat, contact David Walters at 678-933-2312.
Are you an ORR member yet? |
Board the Overground RR!!© and find out how you can
practice "KTAA" Kitchen Table Affirmative Action
©. Visit online at or call our office
today at 404-346-0808 to find out how you can become a
| |
East Point's Chosen Generation COGIC: Transforming
Lives a Generation at a Time |
Recently, the ORR caught up with Pastor Keith Staley of
East Point's Chosen Generation Church of God in Christ. We
asked him about his special mission, and his opinion of how
Black business and the church ought to be working together.
What follows are his edited remarks.
At Chosen Generation COGIC God is transforming lives
one generation at a time. Our belief is that God wants each
and every one of us to be used by Him to win the world for
In the fifth chapter of Luke, Jesus told Peter to
launch out into the deep, and to use something that belonged
to him. Peter allowed Jesus to use his ship, but Jesus asked
Peter to do something that Peter was certain would not work.
He asked Peter to go back out and fish, to cast all his nets
after Peter had fished all day and caught nothing. Peter,
since he knew it wouldn't work, dropped only a single net. But
when he did, he picked up such a large number of fish that his
net could barely hold them.
Imagine what he might have gotten if he had done what
Jesus asked him and cast them all? Just as asked Peter to use
something of his, we believe that God wants to use something
of you, your energy your time, your contribution to win this
world for Christ. We believe that if we follow this directive
we will be rewarded beyond meausre.
Chosen Generation came from a dream that came to me and to
my wife after we had done some years of missionary work
overseas. After seven years of ministry in a partricular
church, I approached my pastor, who told me that he had seen
the seed of this coming all along. He helped me get all the
paper work together and we began this ministry in our home.
After six months we outgrew the home and moved to a hotel.
Six months after that, God gave my wife a dream that had her
driving up and down Church street here in East Point. She
called me and told me that she'd found the place the Lord
wanted her to find. The owner rented it to us for a year, and
with God's grace we were able to purchase it. We've been here
a good year and a half now, and we are well recognized and
well integrated into this community here in East Point.
We have a tutoring program, we are doing budgeting
counseling. We've got a clothes closet that we open in order
to have people suitably attired for job interviews. We are
helping create resumes for people in the community, and
coaching them in how to present themselves in job interviews.
We are investigating how we can take this further, how we can
partner with other forces to provide some kinds of training
for people helping people become what they really want to
become and what God wants them to be.
We know that the roles of black businesses and of
entrepreneurship are vital to the economic well-being of our
community. We know that successful businesses enable the
community to grow, to thrive and to be able to support efforts
like ours. That's why Chosen Generation is part of this
Overground RR!!(TM) effort to lift up our black businesses and
our churches as one. The success of each one enables the
other, and going back to the point where I started, God wants
to use Black business to uplift this community.
Chosen Generation Church of God in Christ is located at
2846 Church St in East Point GA, 30344. Services are at 9AM
every Sunday, and 7PM every Wednesday.